Tuesday, September 15, 2020

October 2020 Desktop Calendar For You

Each month I put together a little desktop calendar for the upcoming month. I highlight important dates, and then I save it as a background on my laptop computer. This time, I thought I should share my little calendar with you guys. I hope you like it, and please let me hear from you in the COMMENTS section below. Thanks!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Post This On Your Tumblr

We all know that Tumblr sold out to Yahoo, and as a result, now all that Tumblr cares about is making money.  You get at least two sets of advertising algorithms showing you ads about every 7 posts you scroll past.  AT. LEAST.
So I put together this little play on their graphic that pops up everytime they blocked a picture they feel violated their service terms.  At first glance, it looks like all the other bullshit messages we all instinctively scroll past.  I hope you will download this image and post it to your Tumblr so we can call them out on their veiled attempt at greed.

 In the meantime, enjoy some of these beefy studs!